Help and Support
Before you get started
See our Fibre FAQs if you have any questions about John Lewis Fibre Broadband and how it's installed
If you have any problems, please see our Netgear WNR1000: Troubleshooting guide before contacting us
Your router and BT Openreach modem can get too warm if air can't flow around them. Try to avoid putting them under a desk, on a carpet/other fabric, or behind large objects
We recommend leaving your router and BT Openreach modem switched on all the time (even if you're not using them). If you can, connect it to an unused power socket and make sure that it won't be switched off with other items.
- What you'll need to get connected
- Connect your router
- Connect your computer
- Get online
- Changing password
1. What you'll need to get connected
- Your Netgear WNR1000 router
- Ethernet cable (yellow ends)
- Power supply
- BT Openreach modem
- Fibre master socket
The BT Openreach Modem and Fibre master socket
are supplied and fitted by the BT engineer who
installs your service.

2. Connect your router
When the engineer has finished the installation you can start setting up your router.
If you haven't done so already, now is a good time to switch off and unplug your old broadband router and put it to one side. You can also unplug any microfilters you were using (your new master socket has a built in filter, so you won't need them anymore).
Plug the power cable into the back of your router and connect the other end into a power socket.
Connect the Ethernet cable (yellow ends) to the LAN 1 socket on the BT Openreach modem.
Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the yellow Ethernet socket on the back of your router.
Press the black power button on the back of your router to switch it on.
Wait for the Power light on the front of your router to turn green before you continue (this should take about a minute).
3. Connect your computer
When setting up for the first time, we think it's easier to use the Ethernet cable. This way you can make sure everything is working and you'll be online in no time.
If using the Ethernet cable isn't convenient or you'd prefer to use wireless right away, please see our Wireless connection guides (remember to return here and follow part 4 when you're done!)
How to connect using the Ethernet cable
Plug an Ethernet cable into one of the 4 Ethernet sockets on the back of your router.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into your computer's Ethernet socket. The Ethernet light on the router will turn green or flash.
Your computer is now connected to your router, please go to part 4.
4. Get online
You're nearly there! At this point your router should be plugged in, switched on and connected to your telephone line and computer. The Broadband light should be green.
If the Broadband light is NOT green, please read Fibre troubleshooting. When the Broadband light turns green, please return to this guide and follow the next steps.
Make yourself a tea or coffee and don't touch your computer or router for 15 minutes.
(Don't try to use the Internet while you're waiting, as your router might still be setting itself up)
After 15 minutes, open your computer's web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox).
And that's it. You should see your web browser's home page - congratulations! You're now connected and able to browse the Internet
If you didn't see your home page, you'll probably see one of the screens below:
I see the Broadband Setup page I see an error page Enter your Account Username and password (the ones you use to log into this site), choose your provider and press Go.
You'll see a confirmation screen shortly afterwards and you'll be able to start browsing.
For details of your John Lewis Broadband username and password, please check the email or letter we sent you when you signed up.
Your username if you've moved from Greenbee or Waitrose BroadbandYour username if you've moved from Greenbee or Waitrose broadband
Your username won't change. It'll look like one of the examples shown below.
Your username will look like <your username> (e.g.
Your username will look like <your username> (e.g.
Please click here for further instructions.
(If you have printed this guide, the further instructions are shown underneath)
How to setup your router
- Go to (or if that doesn't work).
You'll be asked for a username and password. The username is admin and the password is password.
If you see the message below, ignore it and click OK (you're not connected to the Internet yet)
You'll now see the Basic Settings screen:
Select Yes under Does Your Internet Connection Require A Login?
This will allow you to fill in the section below:
- In the Login box, enter your Broadband Username (find it in My account if you're not sure what this is)
- In the Password box, enter your account password (it's the one you use to log in to this website)
- Leave Service Name blank
- Change Connection Mode to Always On
When you've completed the above, click Apply to save the settings. This will take about a minute.
After saving the settings, you'll be taken back to the Basic Settings screen. You can now close your web browser.
When the Internet light on your router turns green, you're connected to the Internet. Open your web browser again and you should see your home page.
5. Changing password
If you update your password whilst your router is offline, you'll need to set your router's password manually. Here's how you can do it.
- Start your web browser and go to the address
- Log into your router, by default the username is "admin" and the password is "password"
- Select the "Basic Settings" option from the left hand menu
- Locate the section under "Does Your Internet Connection Require a Login"
- Update your password in the password field
- Click the apply button towards the bottom of the page
- Your password change is now complete
Having problems with your broadband connection?
Report a problem with your service. It's faster by text.
Service Status
For full details of our current issues or any maintenance work that could be affecting your service please visit our Service Status site.
Can't find what you're looking for?
If we've not been able to address your query through a support article please contact Customer support for further assistance.